Welcome to the Nutty Nut News Network website. From the past we have rare audio interviews with Laurel and Hardy related celebrities. For the present we have a section for Sons and enthusiasts to post written or audio reports on tent activities, interviews, skits, memorabilia and such. You are encouraged to take an active part in contributing material.
All of this is in keeping with the intent of the original Nutty Nut News Network Show created by the late Guido Cipriani. This program allowed Sons around the world to keep in touch and share information by sharing audiocassette recording. Now we are able to share much more through the magic of the worldwide web.
Featured in various parts of this site are audio clips from well known Sons including Bill Cubin, Roger Gordon, Del Kempster, Hal Stanton, Scott MacGillivray, Jack McCabe, Leo Brooks, Glenn Mitchell, Bob Satterfield and archivist Michael Agee.
The Archive Compilations section will give you an idea of the content of the NNNN Show from its beginning in March of 1983. Here you will find narration and comments from Sons and other individuals as well as some of the silly hi-jinks that were a trademark of the show.
This is a site dedicated to promoting communication among those who love Stan and Ollie and to continue the tradition of preserving material related to them. We feel it's an important project since, as Stan himself once wrote:
"If you save nothing, you can't take it with you."
We truly hope you enjoy your visit here and welcome any comments, questions or submissions. We actively encourage everyone to get involved, if you have a Laurel and Hardy image or picture associated with The Sons of the Desert, Hal Roach Studios or a Laurel and Hardy co-star that you would like to share then please do get in touch using the contact button. We would especially like to hear from you if you have images, information or anecdotes relating to any of the people or events featured in our audio catalogue.
We have to stress that you should not directly link to any file on this website. All Nutty Nut News Network Show audios and interviews are the exclusive right of The Nutty Nut News Network and must not be used, copied, or duplicated in any manner without prior permission. All archive material presented here on a non-profit basis is presented as originally compiled. All interviews are copyright Mike David. Additional material is either believed to be public domain or used under the terms of copyright fair use. If you believe your copyright has been violated by this website please get in touch with the webmasters and we will be happy to discuss your concerns.
Front page picture is from the private collection of Mike David.