The Nutty Nut News Network Show was a long running audiotape series of Laurel and Hardy related material conceived by the late Guido Cipriani, Grand Sheik of the From Soup to Nuts Tent in Norwich, Connecticut, USA.
The show was established as a way for all members of the Sons of the Desert to keep in touch since, when the series began in 1983, there was no worldwide web as we know it today.
It provided tents and Sons the opportunity to record messages on audiocassette tapes which were then mailed to Guido. He edited the incoming messages, added music and narration, compiling the contents into a master tape. All participating tents and individuals also included a blank tape and money to cover postage costs. This allowed Guido, his family and From Soup to Nut Tent members to make copies of the master tape and mail them to Sons around the world.
This was done three to four times a year. The programs included updates from various tents on their members and activities. Guido added humorous songs and skits to the mix.
Significantly, a number of the shows included valuable celebrity interviews and highlights from many of the Sons international conventions. Steve Wichrowski, Jr., Grand Sheik of the USA's Air Raid Wardens Tent, traveled to conventions in the States and overseas, audiotaping much material for the show. He was later joined by Guido himself and Mike David, Vice-Sheik of the From Soup to Nuts Tent, when they all attended the renowned Valley Forge Convention in July 1986. This event produced fascinating interviews with numerous celebrities and also with many Sons as well. Guido became ill temporarily after the convention and the audio was edited and narrated by Mike David.
Later in the series, Laurel and Hardy author and Boston Brats Grand Sheik Scott MacGillivray joined Steve in conducting interviews at several other conventions.
Guido Cipriani passed away in the mid 1990's but the Nutty Nut News Network Show was resurrected in 2005 when the 1986 convention audio was remastered and posted on the Laurel and Hardy Forum website.
In 2006, Steve Wichrowski, Jr., took his tape recorders to the Sons 15th International Convention in Harlem and Augusta, Georgia. A new Nutty Nut New Network Show was compiled by Mike David.
There are more celebrity interviews and other interesting audio bits from the series, and these are freely available on the website.
All of this is done freely, in keeping with Guido's desire for Sons everywhere to have the opportunity to keep in touch and enjoy the sharing of material related to Stan and Ollie.

Above Steve Wichrowski, Jr with Guido Cipriani