A book forty years in the making!
To celebrate our fortieth anniversary The Nutty Nut News Network
is proud to announce the publication of a FREE ebook!
By Mike David and Dean McKeown
Spanning the first forty years of The Nutty Nut News Network, From Small Acorns: Forty Years of The Nutty Nut News Network, has over two hundred and fifty pages and is split into three parts.
Part One details the formation and early years of The Nutty Nut News Network and features an interview with Nutty Nut News Network founder Guido Cipriani and co-founder Mike David's memories of Guido and those early years.
Part Two features transcripts from some of our most popular interviews with Sons of the Desert and stars from the golden age of cinema, many of whom had links to Laurel and Hardy, Hal Roach Studios and Our Gang, such as Jean Darling, Payne Johnson, Felix Knight, Henry Brandon and Jacqueline White. Also featured for the first time is an informative interview Mike David conducted with silent screen star Harold Pavey.
Part Three covers the online years of The Nutty Nut News Network and includes a look back at some of the news stories we have featured over the years.
This ebook is dedicated to the man who conceived The Nutty Nut News Network, Mr Guido Cipriani, and is offered freely in keeping with Guido's desire for Sons everywhere to have the opportunity to keep in touch and enjoy the sharing of material related to Stan and Ollie.
This free ebook is offered in PDF format and is just under 9MB in size, the free ebook will be emailed so please ensure your mail box can receive a file of this size and that your digital device, computer etc. can open Portable Document Format (PDF) files.

We aim to email the ebook to you within 24 hours.
To request a FREE copy send your email address to nuttynutnewsnetwork@gmail.com